Thursday, March 3, 2022


Matthew Heyns 1828

I worked with Sam De Bruin 1815, Finn Hanley 1824 and Ben Richardson 1853

Our brief was to make a promo package, consisting of at teaser trailer, full trailer, film poster, and social media pages for a film. The title of our film is 'Off The Leash'. Off The Leash is a Horror/ Thriller film about how Covid-19 struck the UK, which as a result forced the government to take serious action by putting the nation into lockdown. However, many people are fed up with the intensive lockdown regulations, stating that it is a restriction of their freedom and a way for the government to take ultimate control of the country. As a result, there has been a group of people committing violent crimes to show their disrespect to the government. This group of people are wearing animal masks to hide their identity but also as a method of intimidation, because there has been many news reports highlighting this group as a threat. The animal masks are also significant because this group feel the government are treating the population as animals because they feel they are being kept captive. Therefore, they say “if the government are going to treat us like animals, we will act like animals”. The lockdown regulations allow for each person to be outside for an hour each day. After having seen the news on the reports of people wearing animal masks causing havoc, four teenage boys set out looking for the group of people wearing animal masks. Boredom and typical impulsive teenage boy behaviour is the reasoning behind their decision to go into the woods. 

Camera Work - As we used my phone for the majority of the filming, when I wasn't in front of the camera, I was often the one operating it. The iPhone 12 Pro camera quality is impeccable, allowing us to film in 4K HDR with Dolby Vison. Filming in HDR, known as High Dynamic Range, is an incredible benefit to us as it allowed us to film at different exposures of light and still achieve exactly what we wanted, in post production it also allowed us to change the exposure more effectively without negatively impacting the quality and look of our footage. Filming in 4K allowed us to have great video quality throughout our production. 

For our news report scene with Tom, we used a Canon DSLR camera as it allowed us to use a tripod when filming

For the drone shots, I used the Mavic Pro 2, which has a Hasselblad camera, 1 inch sensor, Hasselblad Natural Color Solution and a 10-bit Dlog-M color profile. Which meant we got 14 EV of dynamic range and an incredible 10-bit, 4k video.

Editing - As I have had past experience with Final Cut Pro X, it made it easy to choose what editing software to use when editing our trailer. I edited Tom's news report scene using the Keyer effect, which helped remove the green screen, which I then replaced with a news set. After some time we thought of a soundtrack to use for our trailer, which then allowed us to edit our footage in correspondance with the soundtrack. Although I had made a production company ident for our last production, I decided it would look better to overlay our production tag over one of the drone shots, I used the typewriter effect to make it appear gradually on the screen.

Props I used my knowledge from DT A-level to create a protest placard and a banner. 





Matthew Heyns 1828 I worked with Sam De Bruin 1815, Finn Hanley 1824 and Ben Richardson 1853 Our brief was to make a promo package, consisti...