Friday, November 26, 2021

REFLECTION: News Report Scene

 In terms of Miss en scene, the news report is very valuable to our trailer as it puts the plot line in context. Rather than just filming the protestors, Alecia in her car and the scenes in the woods of the four boys, the news report helps to tie together these scenes and give the audience a relatively good idea of what the movie is about. The audio of the news reporter is also useful because it means we can overlay it other establishing shots. 

To film the news report we used the media department’s green wall/screen. This is because in post production editing I can replace the green screen with the set of a news channel set. This is because we are unable to use the real set of a news channel, therefore, using a green screen should be effective enough to realistically mimic the set. Although we filmed the other parts of our trailer with an iPhone, for this scene we decided to use a DSLR camera and a tripod. This is because we didn’t have a tripod for our phone, which meant we couldn’t keep the footage still/stable. Therefore using a DSLR camera and a tripod allowed us to film the news report stationary without any camera shake or movement. This was important because of the footage wasn’t still, it would have been hard to make the green screen set look realistic.

As the audio on the DSLR camera wasn’t very good, I decided to set my phone up behind Tom and record his audio through the internal microphone on the iPhone. I was sceptical at first as to wether the audio from the iPhone would work better than the camera and to my surprise it was better.

1 comment:

  1. Very good work. Your account of the set-up and challenges of filming this scene includes acknowledgement of the fixes for the audio, an issue that is often very tricky. At a later stage, you plan to add a screenshot of the post-production view, with the news room added in.



Matthew Heyns 1828 I worked with Sam De Bruin 1815, Finn Hanley 1824 and Ben Richardson 1853 Our brief was to make a promo package, consisti...